Volume 15 (2024)
Volume 13 (2022)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2017)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2015)
Volume 5 (2014)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)
Biannual Journal
An integrated solution to reduce death anxiety based on the comparison of Yalom and Mulla Sadra solutions

Manouchehr Shaami Nezhad; Hosein Atrak; mohsen jahed

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 1-30


  The issue of death is one of the most important issues of human existence and one of his existential concerns. From birth to death, humans always carry the anxiety of death with them. Many thinkers have proposed solutions to reduce death anxiety. Yalom and Mulla Sadra have also discussed the nature of ...  Read More

Biannual Journal Philosophy
Philosophical Foundations of Hajhosseini's Logics

Asadollah Fallahi

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 31-57


  Recently, Morteza Hajhosseini (2023) published his second edition of the book (2017) Two Non-Classical Logic Systems, A new Outlook on Elements of Logic, where he developed various non-standard logical systems based on specific philosophical foundations. His systems consist of the following five:   A ...  Read More

Biannual Journal Philosophy
Suhrawardī’s Epistemology of Testimony; an Analytical and Historical Approach

Morteza Motavalli; Mahdi Azimi

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 59-81


  AbstractIntroductionIt is only in the last few decades that testimony has been seriously studied in epistemology. But in the Islamic world, testimony by necessity has been paid attention earlier. Epistemology of testimony, in Islamic tradition, began by jurists, who had nothing in their hand but the ...  Read More

Biannual Journal Philosophy
A Model for Human Action Based on Sadra’i Wisdom

fateme soleimani

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 83-110


  Introduction An action is an external behavior formed through an interplay between knowledge and inner tendencies, and then actualized via will or volition. On this picture, an action begins from a conception and assent (affirmation) within an epistemic process, leading to decision-making and will. ...  Read More

Biannual Journal Philosophy
Critical analysis of Avicenna's seven Arguments in rejecting the identity of soul and temperament

Keramat Varzdar; Fatemeh Sadat Ketabchi

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 111-137


  Fateme Sadat Ketabchi[1] Introduction Ancient physical principles assert that all bodies are constituted of four fundamental elements, each possessing distinct qualities. The amalgamation of these elements engenders a unique attribute within bodies termed "temperament," divergent from the inherent ...  Read More

Biannual Journal Islamic mysticism
A Study of Mahdi Elahi Ghomshei’s Thesis of the Necessary Existent’s Agency by Love: Theoretical Foundations in the Works of Earlier Muslim Philosophers

mohammad javad dakami; Akbar orvatimovaffagh

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 139-163


  Introduction Muslim theologians and philosophers debate the manner in which the world was created by God. Theologians assert that God’s role in creation is characterized in terms of agency-by-intention (fāʿiliyya bi-l-qaṣd), while Peripatetic philosophers argue for agency-by-providence (fāʿiliyya ...  Read More

Biannual Journal Philosophy
Existence's Having Existence and the Regress Argument

davood hosseini

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 165-188


  Abstract In his al-Asfār, Ṣadrā attributes an argument to al-Suhrawardī against the existence of existence, which goes as follows: “existent” means that which has existence. Now, if existence is existent, it will have existence. The repetition of this argument implies a regress of existences. ...  Read More

Biannual Journal Philosophy
Averroes 's philosophical Construction of Humanity as the Noblest of Creation

hasan abasi hasan Abadi

Volume 14, Issue 2 , February 2024, Pages 189-212


  IntroductionIn Islamic religious texts and Islamic thought, humans are often described as the noblest of creations or God’s successors, owing to their superior faculties of thought and will, capacity for gratitude, and their responsibility to uphold the Trust. These Quranic perspectives are evident ...  Read More