حکمت معاصر

نوع مقاله : علمی-پژوهشی


دانشیار گروه فلسفه و حکمت اسلامی دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران.


انسان‌شناسی در اندیشه ابن‌رشد از جهات مختلف مانند اجتماعی و سیاسی (مدنی‌بالطبع)، فلسفی با تکیه بر عقل انسان، و از حیث کلامی و از حیث اخلاقی قابل بحث است. بحث انسان به‌عنوان «اشرف مخلوقات»  هر چند قرائتی دینی از انسان است مسئله: پرسش این‌است مواجهۀ ابن‌رشد با نگاه فلسفی به «انسان به‌عنوان اشرف مخلوقات» چگونه است و چه تبیینی از آن دارد؟روش: این مقاله با روش تحلیلی- توصیفی به بررسی و نقد مسئلۀ اشرف مخلوقات و نیز قرائت فلسفی از انسان در قالب اصطلاح‌های «انسان اشرف مخلوقات»، «خلیفه‌الله»، «انسان محیط بر عالم» و «انسان صورت خدا» در ابن‌رشد می‌پردازد یافته‌ها ابن‌رشد از سه عبارت «اشرف محسوسات» و «اشرف مخلوقات» و «اشرف موجودات» سخن می‌گوید که از میان آنها «اشرف موجودات» خاص خداست؛ «اشرف مخلوقات» خاص عقول است و «اشرف محسوسات» دربارۀ انسان بکار می‌رود؛ چون انسان واسط دو عالم محسوس و معقول است.. نتیجه این نوشتار این است که با استفاده از دو دلیل «اختراع» و «عنایت»، تقریر ابن‌رشد از این مسئله می‌توان بر اشرف مخلوقات بودن انسان از حیث الهیاتی، از حیث طبیعی، و دینی توجیه ارائه کرد هم بر اشرف مخلوقات نبودن او آنهم از حیث مقایسه انسان با عقول مجرد  دلیل آورد .



عنوان مقاله [English]

Averroes 's philosophical Construction of Humanity as the Noblest of Creation

نویسنده [English]

  • hasan abasi hasan Abadi

Associated Professor of Department Islamic Philosophy and Theosophy, Payam-e-noor University, Tehran, Iran.

چکیده [English]

In Islamic religious texts and Islamic thought, humans are often described as the noblest of creations or God’s successors, owing to their superior faculties of thought and will, capacity for gratitude, and their responsibility to uphold the Trust. These Quranic perspectives are evident in the works of Muslim philosophers, notably Averroes or Ibn Rushd. Averroes delves into the religious construction of humanity, employing terms such as "the noblest of creation," "God’s successor," "encompassing the universe," and "image of God." This article seeks to explore Averroes's approach to and explanation of this religious perspective, particularly focusing on the concept of human beings as the noblest of creation. Rather than delving into the nature of humanity itself, this inquiry revolves around the position of humans among all creatures and within the broader system of creation. Averroes's philosophy is analyzed to understand his conception of human beings within the religious realm, incorporating Quranic notions such as "God’s successor" and "the sensory world being dominated by humans." Notably, there has been a dearth of research on Averroes's religious approach to humanity, making this article a significant contribution to scholarship in the field.
Research Approach or Method
This research employs a descriptive-analytical methodology coupled with a critical approach.
Discussion and Results
The question of humanity being the noblest of creation and other related religious notions can be examined from two perspectives. Firstly, from a teleological standpoint, wherein the entire creation and all beings are believed to have purposes, humanity's purpose is considered superior to that of other sensory creatures. This perspective posits that humanity holds the highest status among sensory creations due to possessing a rational soul, which grants it superiority over other sensory beings. This reason is based on God's invention of the universe. Secondly, humanity's elevated status can be understood through the lens of grace, wherein humanity is seen as encompassing and dominating the entirety of creation, with everything created ultimately for humanity. This "grace-based" reason underscores humanity's position as the noblest of creation.
In terms of Averroes's own principles, the concept of humanity as the noblest of creation can be subjected to criticism, as it appears to contradict other statements made by him. For instance, in his work Tahāfut al-Tahāfut (Incoherence of the incoherence), Averroes suggests that it is impossible for a superior being to be created for an inferior one. Rather, it is the inferior being that is created for the superior one to attain perfection and eliminate its imperfections. According to this view, within the hierarchy of beings, celestial bodies hold a higher degree than humans, and humans serve as intermediaries between the intelligible and sensory realms, being closest to celestial bodies. Consequently, humans are deemed inferior to the heavens and celestial spheres. If it were posited that the universe is created for humanity, it would imply that a superior being is created for an inferior one, contradicting Averroes's own philosophical principles. Thus, according to the tenets of Averroes's philosophy, humanity cannot be regarded as the noblest of creation.
Averroes draws a distinction between the concepts of the "noblest of beings" and the "noblest of creation." According to his framework, God is the noblest of beings, being the most esteemed and perfect entity. However, among created beings, separate immaterial intellects hold the status of the noblest of creation, being pure actualities. Within the realm of sensory entities, humanity emerges as the noblest of beings and creation, primarily due to its possession of the rational soul, which serves as the purpose behind all forms of vegetative, animal, and human existence. From a religious standpoint, Averroes adheres to the idea of humanity as the noblest of creation, as evidenced by his reliance on transmitted religious texts. However, his philosophical perspective introduces the teleological aspect of the universe and humanity. He contends that nothing within the cosmos is futile or purposeless; rather, all beings have inherent purposes. Humanity, in particular, is characterized by its purposefulness, rationality, and essential progression towards perfection. In terms of the power of its rational soul and its capacity for reason, humanity stands as superior to all other beings.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • human
  • Averroes
  • noble creatures
  • invention
  • provision
  • قرآن کریم.
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