Document Type : Biannual Journal


1 Student of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

2 assistant professor in Kharazmi University

3 ghom university


Kelly James Clark considers in Big Bang and Darvinism as two critical and challenging issues in the 20th century; while explaining the relationship between religion and science.He believes that although the first issue can be a boost to the belief in being a creator, the second, often due to the wrong ways of addressing it, has led to a conflict between science and religion.  In this regard, the study of the matters created in the face of evolution theory and their positions in redefinition of the relationship between science and religion is one of the axes of this article.  Among other things, the way Muslim intellectuals are exposed and the factors influencing their position are considered.  The confrontation that seems to have not been based on "belief in the conflict of science and religion" or "scientism", especially in Iran, but has had considerable reasonable.Reasons for doubling clarity with the advent of blind and random interpretations of evolution and the imposition of its theological consequences.  Clarke's analysis of the meaning of the randomness of the evolutionary process and its explanation of God's creativity, when evolution is in the hands of a random approach, is an answer that challenges evolutionary biologists.


1-     قرآن کریم
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5-     سبحانی، جعفر(1386)، داروینیسم یا تکامل انواع، چاپ اول، انتشارات موسسه امام صادق(ع). قم.
6-     سبحانی، جعفر(1375)، منشور جاوید، جلد 4، چاپ دوم، انتشارات موسسه امام صادق(ع)، قم.
7-     طباطبایی، محمدحسین(1417)، المیزان فی تفسیرالقران، چاپ سوم، نشر موسسه الاعلمی للمطبوعات، بیروت.
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