Document Type : Biannual Journal


Shahidbehesht university


Mulla Sadra believes that “existence” is the only truth-making thing. This view of Mulla Sadra which called “Principality of existence” forms the basis of his philosophy and even influences on the “essence and its precepts”. Accepting the influence of Principality of existence on essence and its precepts, can have unknown and conceivable implications. In this article, by a descriptive-analytical method, we have shown the possibility of the influence of Principality of existence on “Lime perfectus” as truth-maker of the things, relying on these hypotheses: “In Mulla Sadra’s philosophy, reality refers to existence, and existence influences on the limit which reflects the reality of things”, “In his philosophy, the Form is the whole reality of a thing, and the “Lime perfectus” will be the Form” and “in his philosophy, the basis of limit, i.e. essence, reminds and appears with Matter and Form”. The influence of Principality of existence on the “Lime perfectus” has results, including the changing of the meaning of “Lime perfectus” from its logical mode and the expansion of its usage to philosophical Lime perfectus .


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