Document Type : Biannual Journal


1 Associate Professor of Mystical Comparative Studies, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 * Ph. D in the group of Islamic Mysticism, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The "mystical morality" is a kind of morality that requires the truth based on direct communication with the ultimate/ unseen reality, the adornment to the specific traits that are similar to those of the trait. The components of mystical morality are the basis of revelation, attention to the source and resurrection, comprehensiveness, the shari'ah, the apparent change caused by esoteric transformation and the use of gradual education. The purpose of the mystical morality is to adhere to the divine ethos, ie, to give the names of Allah and to reconcile the divine attributes. Divine admiration for divine attributes, due to their division into Beauty (Jamal) and Majesty (Jalal), is possible due to the likeness and likeness of God. Therefore, when we consider God as incommensurable with other creatures, we can understand him in relation to the attributes that signify differentiation, transcendence, and difference. In this regard, human beings find God as a great existence, dear, great, supreme, sultan, zealous, and environment. Now, if the similarity between God and His creatures is emphasized, God is considered as a creature and is considered to be in the form of attributes such as kindness, mercy, beauty, love, forgiveness, forgiveness, grace and favor.


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