Document Type : Extension scientific


1 PhD student, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Comparative Philosophy, Department of Theology and Education, Branch, Islamic Azad University,najaf abad Iran

3 Department of Theology, NajafAbad Unit, Islamic Azad University, NajafAbad, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Religion and Mysticism, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord University


Faith is the most basic element of spiritual life, the jewel that adorns the human soul and the brightest ray of the Alawite world, One of the most important theological issues is faith and its related elements, so that its fundamental role in the formation of religious belief in the meaning of life can not be ignored. The present study seeks to examine the role of religious components such as prophecy, Imamate, worship on faith and its accessories in the meaning of life in both cognitive and functional dimensions, with a descriptive-comparative method from the perspective of two great thinkers with two different Islamic traditions, Sunni and Shiite. It has been used to collect data through a library. The research data has been analyzed by collecting similarities and differences between the views of these two great thinkers based on their anthropological foundations. The results showed that every thinker considers faith to be meaningful in life, although there are differences in the details based on the principles of their thoughts, In the issue of Ghazali worship, more emphasis is placed on the individual dimension of worship, but Allameh emphasizes both the individual and social dimensions of worship. The most important difference between these two scholars is the issue of Imamate, which Ghazali considers as a worldly management and a jurisprudential and sub-matter. Allameh considers Imamate as the continuation of prophecy and divine covenant.


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