Document Type : Biannual Journal


Seminary، Iran


Free will as the most obvious human perception Has always faced with theoretical barriers. Science, Divine absolute power and will is one of the theological barriers. Hereditary and geographical factors are the scientific obstacles
And necessitate causation as one of  the branches of causality, is philosophical obstacles in agent cause cognition. Incompatibility in necessitate causation with cognition agent cause makes philosopher of different thoughts in traditional Islamic thought to answer them according to its intellectual foundation. Philosopher By accepting necessitate causation consider agent cause's will as the last component of  perfect causation to justify optional action. But theologian deny necessitate causation and replace it with preponderance. then found essential possibility sufficient for optional actions.although they deny necessity that is derivated from necessitate causation. accordingly they are proven free will by denying necessity and sufficiency of preponderance .meanwhile Some Osolions  of Shia that are known in the name of Naeeni's circle by their special theory,denied necessitate causation about agent cause but accepted  necessitate causation for the rest of subjects. as a result they proved free will in agent cause.
Following research not only will provide  several answers but also tries to emphasize and highlight Osolions  of Shia answers.


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