Document Type : Biannual Journal


Assistant Professor of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


The dichotomy of mind/body, and form/matter are two of most problematic questions in western philosophy, which could be retraced to ancient Greece and have been lasted until age of enlightenment. Post-modernists hold that this dualism and dichotomy are reflected in the most aspects of civilization explicitly, and that, the I/Other dualism is a sequence of it. Thus, the philosophical contrasting between mind/body, and form/matter should be a subject of our thinking. The resolution of the mind/body dualism is sought based on the Sadrian unity of being, in this paper. The employed method is dialectics and communicational and it is tried to find and advanced a resolution of the mind/body dualism in a intercultural philosophy space, with an eye on Sadrian philosophy. Mulla Sadra’s resolution to this problem is explained from two points of view; from an ontological viewpoint, resolve mind/body problem is possible by imagination world intermediating. From a epistemological viewpoint, resolve mind/body problem is possible by imagination faculty intermediating, as well. Mulla Sadra also look into soul intermediating for pushing mind and body into a kind of unity.


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