Document Type : Biannual Journal


1 Professor of Political Science at Imam Sadiq A.S University

2 Imam Sadeq University


Anthony Giddens tries to recreate sociology on the axis of time. This revival begins with a critique of the historical evolution of classical sociology such as Marx and Durkheim as a time-space separation and by following it in other areas of the emergence of temporality, such as time-space separation, futurism, the construction of society, and finally, time technologies such as clock and calendar provide new meanings and functions of time. The purpose of this article is to compare these meanings with Sadrolmote'allehin’s philosophy of time. Using a comparative method, Mulla Sadra's philosophy of time and Giddens's ideas about time were first studied and then the similarities and differences of two thoughts were explained. Time is considered to be a fluid existence in Mulla Sadra's philosophy, and since the emanation of the essence is continuous, temporality is considered as part of the reality of creatures, and because the time primacy and recency is due to the intrinsic primacy and recency of the creatures, so the historical position is not an external issue, As Giddens imagines, but is institutionalized in the essence of man and other creatures. The emergence of the time primacy and recency from the existential primacy and recency excludes the suspension of the present time to the past or the future, and the present moment, takes an absolute deployment. The major similarity of two thoughts is this: for both of them, the survival and time in this world are the same. The major similarity between these two thoughts is that the survival and time in this world are the same for both. These two ideas share a major similarity: the survival and time in this world are the same for both.


  1. منابع:

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