Document Type : Biannual Journal


1 Assistant Professor of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

2 Ph.D. student in Islamic Philosophy and Kalam, Islamic Azad University, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


Angels and exploring their existential status is one of the important issues for Islamic thinkers. The Sadra's analysis of the issue is in line with his macro plan of the harmony between of reason and narration. In some positions, He mentions the angels form philosophical perspective and calls them nous, and sometimes he speaks in the language of the Shari'ah and speaks of them as the angels. The two main questions of this essay are as follows: what is Mulla Sadra's account of the angels? How does he prove the existence of the angels? Accordingly, some of the results of this research are as follows: In Mulla Sadra's view, the angels have a variety of different types, including companion angels, keeper angels, moderator angles, and earth angels. The common feature of them is their simplicity, abstractness, actual existence, pathway of grace, and mission. The management of earthly and heavenly affairs is among the specific attributes of the angels, and among the twelve Mulla Sadra's proofs for the existence of angels, the most important one is based on the rule of ‘al-Wahid’.


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