Document Type : Biannual Journal



  In the Transcendent Wisdom framework, Mulla Sadra presented great innovations one of which is his views on the ‘self’. Reflecting on Mulla Sadra’s statements on this issue, one can find that his ideas and innovations are based on his most important philosophical foundations, including ‘substantial motion’, ‘existential gradation’, and more importantly, the doctrine of the ‘principality of existence’. Therefore, the principality of existence can be considered as a basis on which Mulla Sadra established his new philosophical framework. Of course, given that the structure of any theory is related, in some ways, to the past and the future, and never forms in an intellectual vacuum, the roots and grounds of these innovations can be traced back to the works of his predecessors. Given the importance of this issue, this article seeks to analyze the roots of Sadra's innovations in his predecessors’ views particularly illuminative (ishraghi) foundations of Sheikh Shahabuddin Suhrawardi.